Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Thanksgiving week is over, and I realized I wasn't thankful enough for all the things God gave to me, and I want to use this space to fix it this.

I want to be thankful for my family, My Mom Mavete, My Dad Reginaldo, my brother Robinsom, my sister Juliana. Each one of you have a great part in my life, I was raised with love, care. Many times I did not value the things you guys did for me. I really miss the opportunities that I had to say thank you to you all, and I just missed... I can not go back in my life, but I can change the way is my life now. Mom I do love you so much, my brother, you are a inspiration for my life, a teacher, my sister Juliana, God gave to me a wonderful little person when I was 12 years old, some times I close my yes and I can see that little girl, thank you for been a part of my life since that moment.

But now I am a grow up man, and I do have a family on my own, and for that family I have to be thankful to God. Carla, my wife, I am your big fan, you are amazing wife, mother and partner. I admire you when you are able to care for our daughter 24/7 , most of the time giving up your own life, your dreams, wishes and so many things. Looking at you now, I can understand so many things that my Mom said in the past, you as her, are the most amazing women I have met.

My daughter Bryanna, what can I say about you, without crying, laughing, smiling and remembering all the things you do. I love when you call me DADDY, when you kiss me, hug me, even when you are not behaving, but I do love you. Your eyes, smile, funny faces everything you do amazes me.
I love when you posse to me, I love take pictures of you, but what I like most: is seeing you growing up, I can see, that you are learning something knew every single second of your life, Daddy loves you.

I want to say thank you for the rest of my family including Carla's family, your guys are so supportive with us, maybe one time I was unable to express how I was thankful for Carla's mom and brother, but, I was for sure. I really appreciate everything you did for me and for my family.

I also want to be thankful because I do have a job, a house, food on the table, friends, I can go back and forward, I can be myself.

And for last, but not because He is the last person in my life, but because without Him, I am nothing.
God, Lord, Jesus, doesn't matter the name, but the person, You are the One, who gave to me all the things I do have today in my life, You gave your Only Son to die for me, I do not deserved this and all the things that came after him. Thank you Very Much God.